ThanksGIVEAWAY 2018

What a wonderful prize, I love this site for all the information and delicious recipes. New to Sourdough baking, although a wannabe for a long time! Happy thanksgiving!

Best wishes for a happy holiday season and may all your bread be beautiful and delicious!

Happy Thanks giving to all you Breadtopians!

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Love your lames!

I love this site! Over the years I have continued to make no-knead breads, learned sourdough, bought a lot of yeast and equipment, and referred tons of folks. I would love to win the giveaway!!! And thank you!

I have so much to be thankful for, God is so good. I have a dough whisk that I love. I would be thrilled to be a consolation winner,.

Breadtopia and Emile Henry! Two of my favorite baking ā€œgo toā€ sources! Happy Thanksgiving

Thanks very much to all the bakers who contribute their recipes and hints - most helpful! Happy Thanksgiving!

Eric, I am so grateful that I came across your website ( several years ago). I was always intimidated when it came to baking with yeast. Your website has excellent recipes and videos. My official job for family gatherings is to bring homemade bread. Thanks to Breadtopia for making bread making fun!

PS: I recently started brewing my own Kombucha and would appreciate any input on incorporating it in bread recipes. For my Thanksgiving ā€œAlmost No Knead Breadā€ I substituted my Kombucha for the 1Tbs White Vinegar.

Thanks and bread blessings to all.

First attempt at sour dough using Breadtopia starter. Fantastic!

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I love your site with the great recipes and products! Since I started baking sourdough I have been able to digest food better and eat bread when I was previously gluten free. The bread has literally changed my life. Thanks!

Happy Thanksgivingā€¦family, friends, and of course bread. All the best to you and yours.

Breadtopia has changed sourdough bread baking on planet Earth! Thank you, Eric.

Ah, Italian bread. Mangia! Happy baking.

Grateful for a healthy starter and an abundance of creative ways to use it!

Iā€™m a big fan of Breadtopia, especially the sourdough recipes! Thank you for making such great recipes available to the public :slight_smile:
Melissa Hull

For me, Eric you were one of two guiding sources of information and supplies when i began. 9 plus years later, sourdough and other bread making is not only my passion, but i share it with others. Thank you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving! And thank you for being my source for such a great variety of heirloom wheat berries!