Real Bread Bakers

Thanks Eric for providing the film to your subscribers! Would love to try the recipe for their whole meal bread where they sift out the bran, mix it with boiling water and then add it to the dough.


I got up this morning, fed my starter made coffee and found this lovely video from you. Now I am filled with inspiration! Thank you!


Oh what a beautiful video! I have GOT to try that method of sifting and scalding the bran then recombining it in the dough. Thank you for giving us access to this great information.


Loved the video, thanks for providing free access.


I loved the video. Thanks for sharing. Makes me want to get a bread baking club started
here in AZ!!!


@dawg13154 @maryjobo I’d also love to learn more about some of the recipes of the Wild Hearth Bakery. On the subject of sifting, soaking and returning bran to the dough, you might enjoy this post. I added it back at the initial mixing, though. I believe they let the gluten develop in the dough and add it later – will have to try someday.


A morning cuppa coffee, a bread currently baking in my oven and a chance to sit, sip and watch this wonderful video. Thank you, Eric! As I was watching I had the thought that we all are Real Bread Bakers. Thanks to Breadtopia and Eric’s vision for teaching home bakers how to produce quality bread with quality ingredients those of us here on this forum join the ranks of Real Bread Bakers!

Blessings to all the bakers!


A lovely and inspirational film. Thank you for sharing!


Wonderful documentary about my favorite subject, Bread!


Thank you Eric for providing access to this wonderful documentary! It makes me excited for my next bake in a few days when our temp in the Twin Cities cools down a bit. Looking forward to applying some of the techniques that were showcased!


Thank you for sharing this! It made my morning on this rainy day…my starter is patiently waiting.


I’m curious about the dark bread - molasses? And too, I’m thinking of trying the soaking of the bran and incorporating back in. I grind my grains and sift out the bran (giving it to my chickens, so not a total waste). I just started some sourdough biscuit dough. It was a great video. Love the “community” and “company” meanings.


Eric-Thanks so much for giving this to us this weekend! My wife and I were in Glasgow last year, and I am sure we tasted bread from this wonderful bakery at the restaurants we ate at.

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Thanks Melissa. In the video, I understood him to say that they add the scalded bran back “towards the end of fermentation”. I rewound and replayed that bit several times so I’m pretty sure that’s what he said.
But that’s vague, guess I’ll have to try a couple different times to add it back in.

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Cool. My wife and I are feeling the call. Kinda itching to go anywhere for that matter. Glad you, and others, enjoyed the film


I heard a couple of people in the video mention a certain type of loaf that would have been baked in Europe for several hundred years. Was it a Gorbel or Gorbal loaf? Does anyone have a link to the recipe? Thank you!


Interesting but subtitles are needed.

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How wonderful and inspiring! Thank you for sharing this film.

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|### Michael Volk [email protected]|2:43 PM (1 hour ago)||

to Eric


I know what you mean. We were supposed to cruise transatlantic in April from Miami to Rome. Had to cancel. Hoping for a vaccine soon. Have a great weekend!

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Thanks for this interesting and informative video. In addition to the actual topic of real bread baking, this documentary touches on so many of my interests - healthy organic baking, local sourcing of supplies and products, fair treatment of employees and the need to support local businesses by paying a reasonable price for good quality healthy food rather than the lowest price for junk food. Well done!