Introducing the Mockmill Professional Line

Fresh-milled flour is pretty much the last upgrade I can make to my pizza routine.

This would be an awesome win. I love baking bread just getting my hands in dough is so relaxing. There is nothing like the smell of fresh bread baking and we all know how wonderful it taste. Now more than ever I need to get back to basic cooking because my husband has been fighting cancer for just over a year now. I have been doing research on nutrition and cancer, one of the things I have learned is eating whole unprocessed foods, getting rid processed foods can help our bodies to heal. Thank you for the chance to win.

Milling fresh flour…YUM!

Grind away.

Moooooooooooockmill! Could really use one myself, :).

The idea of milling at home sounds absolutely amazing! I hope I win!!!

I LOVE baking bread. And baking bread with flour that fresh - unbelievable.

I am a longtime viewer of Breadtopia and have recommended it to many bread-making newbies. Your giveaway, while being a great event for the winner allows the rest of us to dream and perhaps to scheme of ways to also acquire one.u

Yeah! Great Giveaway!

Pretty sexy intro for a grain mill video!

Eric, the way you serve all of us continues to present your honest ways with the bread baking community. it’s been a long time and I can’t remember when I first received your fine service and products, but thank you. Winning this Mockmill 200 to replace my Mockmill 100 would add another appreciation from my association with Breadtopia.

It’s incredible that this is not made from plastic. Would love to replace my manual grinder with this one!

Always wanted to try milling my own flour. This would be a great start!

I can’t believe how quick and easy it I to have fresh whole grain flour with the Mockmill!

This would be a super fun way to start a new hobby, been keeping an eye out for a used mill for some time!

Hi, breadtopia, I am fascinated with your website, store, blog. I love making bread out of fresh milled flour. So far I have tried spelt and Einkorn for my sandwich and sourdough bread. but I look forward to try more ancient grains. thanks for this fun contest and good luck to everyone.

Teaching and learning, I very much enjoy your website. Thank you!

Hello from Canada!

Thanks very much for providing a great place where we can learn and share with bakers from all over.

Just received your Sourdough starter and have begun the revival process. Looking forward to some wonderful bread.

Thank you for all the information and good products you provide