Introducing the Mockmill Professional Line

I love your products. Been milling my own grain for many years but I’d love to try this bad boy!

This is a fine mill and would be a great addition in my baking arsenal

Would love to be the lucky winner!

Breadtopia is my favorite “shush don’t let the boss see” website to surf at work! It reminds me of where I’d rather be-- at home, baking!! Thank you for this contest! Crossing my fingers I win!

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Awesome giveaway!! I love making all kinds of goodies out of fresh milled wheat from bread to tortillas to muffins and cakes :slight_smile: Happy baking!!

Please enter!

Bread, and Breadtopia, always make me smile. Thanks for this offer, the Mockmills look awesome!.

love this site

I found Breadtopia not too long ago, and since then I have been experimenting with several fresh milled flours you offer with great success and flavor I must say. I took a class at a friends bakery and she uses only organic/freshly milled grains for her recipes. We talk about this frequently and she was given a mill from a sponsor and now her classes include milling fresh grains. I just love it. I would love to win the mill so I can actually mill the flour as I bake. I love your website and I have referred many friends to your site, well at least I hope they have made an attempt to check it out. thanks for all your products! Denise

I have been wanting to incorporate a variety of healthy grains in my bread.

I love Breadtopia!

I’d love to have a mill. Thanks for this opportunity!

I accidentally grew some grain when I mulched with wheat straw.

I already have the 100 and we are going to order the pro 100!

Me, please.

What an exciting opportunity! Especially love the idea of the variety of grains to try with it!

I’ve been baking for over half a century (I’m caramelizing oats in my IP now to bake caramelized oat bread tomorrow) - but the one item I don’t have that would take my baking to a new level is a grain meal. Refurbished or not, I hope I win. :slight_smile:

What a nice giveaway! Count me in :grinning:

Love your site. Please enter me for the mockmill. Thanks

Please enter me to win the Mockmill, thank you. Sourdough Forever!