Introducing the Mockmill Professional Line

I am nuts for sourdough and use it for almost everything that is flour-based: pancakes, waffles, muffins, scones, etc. I don’t have an oven and do everything stovetop on or in various antique cast iron implements and pots. You can make a very decent loaf in a Dutch oven on the stove if you use a few tricks to mimic an enclosed oven. I also use only wild yeast (i.e., leave raw batter with access to air overnight, then briefly air it and then loosely cover daily until sour). I’ve never had a failure. It doesn’t require elaborate proportions and calculations if you have enough wild yeast in the air.

How great would winning this be!

I am a steadfast lover of all things gluten

I love milling my own flour since I use ancient grains, sprouted when possible.

Posted in wrong place. I’ve been drooling over various mills for a long time. As Eric says, it really does make a difference and give you much more freedom when you can make your own blends.

I use ancient and sprouted grains so a mill would be perfect for me.

Tasty grains!

Bread from fresh milled grain is amazing. Nothing like fresh bread with butter.

Here’s my chance to get into milling my own grain.

Love Breadtopia products and information. So helpful for learning how to bake and love the quality products you sell. I feel I can trust the product if it’s on your site.

I’ve been wanting to try my hand at milling grains for bread for some time. We have a wonderful local mill for sourcing grains here in Austin!

I’ve got a lot of wheat, a mill would help, long live red fife!

Thanks Breadtopia.
Hope I’m the winner. :smiley:

I would love a mill instead of a store bought flour!!!

i’d make good use of this mockmill…

I would love to use this!!!

Awesome giveaway opportunity for fresh milled flour​:heavy_heart_exclamation::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

I would love to be able to mill my own flour! My two passions are sourdough and DIY, for many things. Making bread from flour I milled myself would be so fantastic and rewarding!

I could use a mill like that!

My mom taught me to bake bread when I was a kid. It is still one of my favorite pastimes. I would love to have a mill.