Yecoro Roco

Man, it’d sure be nice to get an honest answer on Yecoro! Well truthfully any answer would be nice :). I’ve been on the list for months, been notified 3 times ti was available, it wasn’t, and taken off the waiting list each time. I must be a glutton for punishment, not really but really love this flour and used to really love this company :slight_smile: C’mon guys … help a brother out!!!

@tagh Hi! Out of curiosity I looked in the Breadtopia store just a moment ago and it did show that Yecoro Roco was in stock, at least in the 5-pound amount. I honestly didn’t check the other weights available. I thought I’d let you know you can order some.

Baking blessings,

Thanks Leah, I appreciate the reply but Yecoro bolted is showing out of stock in all weights!

@tagh I didn’t realize you were looking for bolted flour. I thought you were looking for the whole berries to grind yourself. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Baking blessings,