Whole Grain Baguettes

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Great work on the whole wheat baguettes Melissa. I particularly love seeing how you work a new recipe, good stuff.

Thanks, Benny. I was very happy when it dawned on me compare pre-shape and no pre-shape in the same batch.

Sounds delicious and can’t wait to try making these! Do you think it would be possible to mill a flour with my Mockmill (and perhaps sifting?) that would be similar to the whole grain all-purpose flour you used? If so, any particular kind of wheat berries you’d recommend using? I’m also curious if the flour you used has the bran sifted out. Thanks!

I used my Mockmill to mill the hard red winter wheat berries that are in this Whole Wheat AP flour. We’re going to have the whole berries available to buy soon, so you can mill the flour yourself too.

I didn’t sift at all. I milled the berries once on the finest setting and that’s it.

I’m not sure what wheats could be similar to this hard red winter wheat. I believe spelt and warthog are both red winter wheats, but spelt’s flavor is different, more nutty sweet, and I’m not sure if warthog is as strong as this wheat.

Thanks so much! I think I’ve mostly used spring wheats to make bread, so am curious to try the winter wheat.

I’d love to hear how it goes!

These turned out so delicious! It didn’t have that dense, heavy on the whole wheat taste that I’ve made several times. They turned out with a great chew, crunchy crust, wonderful crumb, excellent flavor. I can go on and on, but I won’t, I’ll simply say Thank you!!

I’m so glad you’re enjoying the hard red winter wheat and the baguette recipe. You’ve reminded me I want to get more of that wheat : )

This is my first attempt at Baguettes and thanks to your hard work they are 100% whole wheat sourdough (no yeast). The wheat is white whole wheat, which is a bit milder than red. I also did an overnight cold proof in the refrigerator because I ran out of time.


Wow! Those look spectacular. Congratulations :clap:

Wow those are beautiful, so well done. I can’t believe they are your first ever baguettes. I’d love to see the crumb!

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Thanks. The crumb was reasonably open. Almost, but not quite as open as Melissa’s. We gobbled them up as bruschetta with home made lemon garlic tomato topping and carrot top pesto, so can’t post a picture. Will be making them again soon though. By the way the overnight proof did give them a tasty sour flavor.

This is my second attempt at baguettes. This time without an overnight proof they had a more mild (pleasant) whole wheat flavor and less sour. I was happy (and surprised) to achieve the open crumb, but unfortunately I over-proofed them a bit.


They look delicious! (I often experience the trade off of open crumb vs height and score bloom.)

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Do you think the same percentages would work with about half white flour? I guess it would be the standard recipe here…just made for baguettes. Wouldn’t adding white flour mean lower hydration? I’m making these soon.

I tend to go dryer when I use bread flour, partly because the white flour absorbs less water and partly because I can take the fermentation and gluten development farther with stronger flour, instead of relying on hydration for the open crumb.

e.g. these 20% whole grain flour baguettes are about 67% H2O vs. the 80s of the whole grain recipe:

Thanks!! I saw those before and forgot about it…making it next.

Will you do a recipe mashup?
50% whole wheat, maybe mid 70s hydration :thinking:

I saw this comment from Melissa last spring “I used my Mockmill to mill the hard red winter wheat berries that are in this Whole Wheat AP flour. We’re going to have the whole berries available to buy soon, so you can mill the flour yourself too.” Are the wheat berries available? Which ones are they please? Thanks!