Whole Ginger Snaps

This week I made Melissa Johnson’s recipe from BreadTopia, “Whole Grain Ginger Snaps”. I used Hard Red Spring wheat in place of red fife wheat berries and I used whole milled rye. I used my Nutrimill Classic Flour mill to mill the rye and hard red spring wheat. I used camelina oil in place of vegetable oil. I also incorporated some fresh ginger. These cookies taste delicious.


I love ginger. Today I enjoyed a nice cold ginger beer (refreshing in the heat) and snacked on some crystalized ginger. Now you’ve got me craving ginger snaps. Lovely bake.

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Delicious looking ginger snaps. I could never eat just one. You inspired me to try Melissa’s recipe.

Those look great! I’m glad you’re enjoying the cookies :blush:

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I made some more and brought to work. My co-workers really liked them. They said it tasted excellent.

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Did you tell everyone that the cookies are whole grain so they have more fiber and kinda more healthy so eat eat eat! Or is that just something I do? :grin:

Yes, I told my co-workers is was whole grain made with fresh milled hard red spring wheat, and fresh milled rye.

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