Triple Levain Pullman Loaf (ala Trailrunner)

This recipe caught my eye on another forum. Leavains include a bread flour levain, a rye levain, and a raison yeast water levain. Flour: 42% T65, 42% freshly milled Rouge de Bordaux, 8% Semolina Rimacinata, and 3% rye. 42 g of honey, EVOO, and buttermilk were also added. After a 2 hr. autolyse, the ingredients were mixed for 5" on speed 2, then bulked for 2 hours with no S&F’s, then plopped into the pullman without shaping, and put into the fridge overnight. The pullman was buttered which added a delightful crispness to the crust. This bread is easy as pie without S&F’s or shaping, and the flavor is about as good as it gets.



Richard you really did that recipe justice, it looks absolutely perfect and with the ingredients sounds like it must be delicious.

Thanks, Benny. I’ve been fascinated by Trailrunner’s use of yeast waters and the various ways she uses them. I’ve also been interested in the way she’s been making Pullman loaves without S&F’s and without shaping. This one was extremely easy, and the taste is excellent. I’m going to refresh my yeast water and give her rye Pullman loaf a try in the next couple of weeks. This one is a keeper, and just might become my go to sandwich bread.

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Sounds neat and tasty – three levains! Looks lovely too.

Any chance you could direct me to the recipe for this one? It looks amazing.

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I believe 39% WW triple levain w/ Holy Trinity add ins Pullman Loaf | The Fresh Loaf that is the recipe that Richard baked. @evnpar please correct me if that is wrong.

Thanks, Benny, that’s the recipe. I was delighted the way this bread turned out. The flavor was outstanding. Using plenty of butter in the Pullman made for a crunchy and flavorful crust.


It does! Richard has done it again. What a lovely loaf indeed.

Thanks, Abe, I’ve had fun with Caroline’s recipes.

Caroline is a very gifted baker in all things Yeast Water. You do her recipes justice. Keep them coming!