ThanksGIVEAWAY 2023

I’m impressed by the high quality of Breadtopia whole grains and sourdough starter. The newletters, recipes, and ‘how to’ videos are much appreciated.

Happy Thanksgiving to the Breadtopia team!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for the recipes!

That’s one nice color of a mixer.

Happy thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving!

I love my Breadtopia products. They make bread making a breeze.

I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

Love the content on this site. Very educational.

Love the grains and the recipes!

Great business! Enjoy y’all’s products!

Thank you for the whole wheat dinner roll recipe you posted a few years ago. It has become a Thanksgiving staple in our family!

I love my Breadtopia starter! I bought it in February and have been making some tasty breads and treats ever since!

Thank you for being an amazing resource for information and supplies, and holding my hand along the way.

I love your website and always recommend it to new sourdough bakers!

I discovered your website from a cookbook author a while back and have recommended it to several of my friends. It is a terrific website with loads of helpful information for bakers at any level. Thank you!

Love your website with all of the great helpful information - especially on making sourdough bread. There was a time last year when your site was the only one that had the supplies needed to make sourdough,. Thank you!

Love your bread site, Eric! Would also love an Ankarsrum!

Love Breadtopia. I got me bread board from you and it has been perfect as my kitchen counters are too high and I use the board on my dining room table. And my sourdough equipment came from you too. Thank you

Thank you for continuing to provide such great recipes and products!