ThanksGIVEAWAY 2022

Always something new to learn when I read your newest blog newsletter.Thank you.

Fingers crossed!

Ever since I found Breadtopia I have been making and baking my own home ground flour bread. Thank you for all the great video’s and bread making utensils. One of my most favorite is the dual sided kneading board. Also knowing to weigh out all my ingredients rather than measure. You have completely changed how I cook!!

I agree completely. I used the Forum once to get help with my sourdough starter and was amazed at the immediately feedback and help.

Breadtopia has the best sourdough starter available. My favorite recipe is still the Artisan sourdough whole wheat ala Poulaine. Stunning. As good as Paris. Why is the recipe off the website?

New improved lames! I’m in!

Happy Thanksgiving! Looking forward to baking more bread for the holidays!

Enjoy Breadtopia!

I discovered breadtopia over a year ago when i was searching for a sourdough starter. It is my trusted resource for all things sourdough.

I love my Breadtopia basket & liners!

Good advice and products. Stay well!

Love your products and your recipes!

Love your website. I often experiment with the recipes found there.

Your giveaways are cool, too.

Pick me please !! :crossed_fingers:t2: Thanks!

Leaving a comment to enter the giveaway. But seriously, I enjoy the site, conversations and feedback from the other subscribers

Glad I don’t have to scroll all the way to the bottom. Love your website. Great info and great products. It has improved my sourdough skills tremendously.

I hope it’s not a lame lame.

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Breadtopia is my go to place for flour and also the wheat berries for grinding!. .

You were where I started my sourdough odyssey and I have always enjoyed reviewing your recipes and seeing you on Instagram!

Was getting slightly bored baking mostly the same ten to twelve breads over and over. Was always jealous of those photos of those craggy crusty breads I’d see on line but couldn’t achieve. Stumbled on Breadtopia’s site and decided to try the clay Oblong Cloche and your starter. First try, like magic, there was that bread I had been searching for. It was craggy, crusty and also moist and tender inside. So I then ordered the Hearth Baker and the gloves and made my Dakota Bread recipe from America’s Test Kitchen. Came out even better than every other time I made it. Just got the Batard Baker and can’t wait to try that out. I also bought two of your smaller sourdough starter jars and now have one with regular starter and one with a rye starter and loving the whole new baking experience.