ThanksGIVEAWAY 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you for the contest!

Pick me!

Here grows…

Just saw a “bumper sticker saying” that should make folk think, hopefully. “If we have been baking bread for 10,000 years, why did we just discover gluten allergy a couple of decades ago?”

Happy Thanksgiving! Also, I’m loving my new oblong Cloche Clay Baker. Thanks so much!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I absolutely love your products and all the information that you provided us. I would love to have one of these. Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving and happy baking to all of us! Thank you for the magnificent support and community that Breadtopia offers!

Hope I win!

Love Breadtopia recipes and forum

The breadtopia clay bakers are excellent

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Turkey Day to all


Thanks, love using sourdough!

I love baking sourdough bread! Thank you @breadtopia for all that you do!

Thank you for helping me get through the covid pandemic. Sourdough has been a life line!

Man does not live by bread alone. I like mine with peanut butter and jelly.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!