Starter not rising day 16

I’m on day 16 of my starter. I’ve had days with bubbles and small rise but did not double. Now I’ve been doing a 2:1:1 ratio for the past 3 days, feeding every 24 hours, and haven’t had any activity. Maybe a few small bubbles. I fed this morning around 11am so this is only 3 hours later, I can send update at 12 hours.
My ratio is 50:25:25. (2:1:1)
I keep in the oven with the light on.
Looking for advice!

There are numerous topics on this very problem. Please look through them.

Here is one ongoing. And here is another recent one which was a success story.

I have been following all your posts on this but mine doesn’t seem to be responding.
Do you suggest I still do a 2:1:1 feed every 24 hours until there is more activity? Or should I switch to a 1:1:1 feed every 12 hours?

How many hours has passed since the last 2:1:1 feed and how does it look now? What does it smell like? Flour and water? Yoghurt? Fruity? Nail polish?

This is about 10 Hours later. Not much change. Yogurt is a good way to describe the smell. Definitely smells sour.

For the next 3 days give it a 2:1:1 feed every 24 hours unless it shows signs of bubbles within 12 hours in which case switch to every 12 hours. If you skip a 12 hourly feed then just give it a very good stir instead. What is your water source?

I use reverse osmosis water. Should I switch to straight tap?

It’s not bad per se but it lacks the minerals which starters like and will give the yeasts a boost. Try a switch to tap water which has been boiled and cooled.

Ok I’ll follow your instructions for the next few days and report back. Thank you so much for your help Abe!

No problem. All it needs is TLC and time.

I did a 2:1:1 feed every 24 hours for the last 3 days and there hasn’t been a change. Barely any bubbles at all. It smells sour. Should I keep on the 24 hour schedule or switch?

Have you changed your water source to mineral water? For now just leave it alone. Keep warm and stir twice a day. Take a well deserved break.

Yes I did switch to mineral water

Which brand? So now take a break. Just keep warm and stir.

Sorry I misspoke. I didn’t switch to mineral water. I switched to tap water (which includes the minerals that you mentioned would be missing from the RO water).
How long do you recommend I do the stirring for? Should I be looking for bubbles or a certain smell before changing methods?

Just see how it goes. To be on the safe side its better to boil the tap water and allow it to cool before feeding. But dont worry if you didnt do this. We’ll see over the next day or two how it responds. Yoghurt or fruity aroma is good. Let me know if it begins to smell like nail varnish.

It’s been 2 weeks of stirring and it now smells more like Nail varnish than yogurt or fruit. Do you have any suggestions for how to proceed?

Two whole weeks!!! Very excessive.

Stsrt feeding. May be too late.