Starter not rising day 10

Hello so I’m on day 10 and I’ve only seen my sourdough rise 1 time after that all I see is little bubbles and don’t know what to do I need some help I’ve read so many articles but there’s so many suggestions

So I just checked on it today and one of them smells like nail polish the other smells a bit like a mixed of things but it don’t smell bad and it don’t smell like acetone and the last time I fed was about 10pm last night

Little activity then little feeds.
Lot’s of activity then larger feeds.
No activity then skip feeds.
Smells of nail varnish then it is hungry.

You’ve got some activity going there. As long as you see some bubbles then it should be fed at least every 24 hours. There’s not much activity so go for a modest 2:1:1 for now. When it perks up then increase the feeds to match.

Thank you I fed the one that smelled like nail polish with 2:1:1 the other one I’m leaving it alone until tomorrow. So I will update

So these are from Friday in the morning it has been rising both of them and last night I gave both 20g starter 40g water and 40g flour (20 BF+20 whole wheat) but since it’s rising how much of a feed do I give them because I’ve noticed after 12 hours they smell very hungry

Those jars are huge for the amount of starter. I suggest you find a much smaller jar.

How much have they risen since last night? And how often are you feeding?

Ohh ok I’ll get a smaller jar and from what I’m seeing not that much but it’s not doubling in size and I’m feeding every 24 hours

Are you seeing bubbles after 12 hours?

Yes I am it’s a lot more than before at the beginning there’s little bubbles

Try 2:1:1 every 12 hours but only if you see as many bubbles as you’re seeing now.

I’m sorry I’m new to this how much is 2:1:1

2 parts starter + 1 part water + 1 part flour by weight.

E.g. 50g starter + 25g water + 25g flour.

Your starter isn’t quite active yet but it’s showing signs of needing a feed. So feed a little a bit more often to keep it happy but not so much it upsets the balance.

If you give it a feed and 12 hours later you see as much activity than in this photo above then feed it again.

If it goes quiet then wait for the 24 hour mark.

Once you can feed it 2:1:1 and you see this much activity or more every 12 hours every time it is fed then you can increase the feed to 1:1:1.

Ok thank you I’ll will update you once I get home since I’m currently working

So I managed to find smaller jars, the first picture was last night at 10pm the second is at 5:50 basically 6am this morning the only thing is I messed up on the measurements instead of doing 2:1:1 I put 50 grams starter 40 grams flour and 40 grams water but one of them did pretty good

Sorry the way it uploaded the first picture is from this morning the second is last night

Lol… thought they had matured backwards.

The one that did well can now go on a 12 hourly schedule at 1:1:1 as long as it keeps on bubbling up in that time. If it slows down then you slow down as well. So if you feed it at 9am and it looks as good as it does in the photo at 9pm then repeat. If for some reason it doesn’t look as good and has minimal bubbling then skip a feed till 9am the next day. As an example!

No need to waste your time on two when one of them is doing better. Keep the healthier one. A much more sensible jar for the amount of starter.

You’re making good progress.

Ok I will do that is it possible I can put it in the fridge in the meantime cause I’m not home and won’t be home till later like 6pm

Sure you can refrigerate to help it fit in with your schedule. When it comes to the next feed use warm water.

Ok thank you so much for your help I’ll feed it once I get home and we will see how it goes

So I fed it last night the 1:1:1 and this morning it didn’t rise so I just stirred it and put it in my oven with the light on and it did have bubbles. Also my husband forgot to put it in the fridge so it stood out all day without being fed