Sourdough Bubble-Top Brioche

You’re welcome. Thanks for sharing your experience with the recipe. That’s so true about the therapeutic benefits of shaping and handling dough. I’ve been on a dough braiding kick. Unfortunately, my final product does not have portion control sections lol.

I made this as a laof came out great. BUT I did have to add 80 grams of milk.
Is the liquid missing or is it that dry of a dough?

I’m glad your brioche came out well. Oddly I’ve more worried that this dough would be too wet for many bakers. I’m thinking your flour was quite different from mine. Edited to add: egg size can have an impact too, as well as type of butter.
I’m glad you rolled with it and added more milk.

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Hi Melissa. I want to to make these sourdough brioche again! with my own sweet sourdough starter. Can you help with ratios and Flour amounts? I only have strong white flour. Last time I improvised too much and it came.out ok but I would love a mote precise ingredient list if I am to use my starter and only SWF. Thanks!

Can you explain how your starter is different from the one in the recipe?

My starter is 40g flour, 10g sugar and 16g water.
I am new to baking breads and still get nervous when adapting recipes.

The sweet stiff starter build in the bubble top brioche recipe is listed this:

  • 90g flour
  • 40g water
  • 25g starter (100% hydration)
  • 20g sugar

Which is really this, if you divide the starter and put it with the flour and water:
103g flour
53g water
20g sugar

I think using triple what you listed as your starter would be fine, just a little on the dryer side. But this dough felt quite wet to me, so I don’t think 15-20g extra flour is a big problem at all.

Your starter tripled:
120g flour
48g water
30g sugar


I’m making this recipe for Christmas this year. One question… do I grease or butter the cupcake pan? The directions don’t mention it, but when I zoom in on the photos it appears to me that the pan has been greased.

What a nice Christmas baking plan. Yes, grease the cupcake pan thoroughly, including the horizontal surfaces that the dough will overflow onto. Paragraph 2, of the shaping section, buried in a lot of words :- )
Have a wonderful holiday!

Thank you! How could I have missed it? Sorry about that! I made the rolls, and they came out beautiful! Fluffy and tasty! This was my first experience with a brioche dough. I followed the recipe, using my whole grain emmer which wasn’t the same variety as in the recipe. Can brioche be made with a higher level of whole grain? Thanks for all you do.