Sourdough Artisan Rye

Inlove this recioe with all it very aromatic ingredients and have been baking it for awhile now. This time I added some spelt and whole wheat flour to replace some of the white, hoping to make a “healthier” loaf. I let ir bulk for 14 hours, proofed for 1 1/2 hours and I think it is okay.
I do have a question aboiut the denseness : am wondering if my crumb could have been better-more open- and if so how to do that.
Thanks for all your help.

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Wholegrain rye, wheat and spelt? Don’t think one can get a better crumb then that.
Very nice loaf.

@gustav_freedman I agree with @abe that looks lovely! Depending on your kitchen temp and starter liveliness, the bulk may be a bit too long at 14 hours, especially with the whole grain flours that starter loves to ferment. It’s hard to say without knowing how much it rose in the bowl etc.

Thank you. Will shorten the bill next time and see if it makes a difference

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