Semolina Bread- Tartine Bread Recipe

My test run this week is Semolina bread- Tartine bread recipe. For the Levain build for recipe used 50% fresh milled einkorn and 50% ARW untreated bread flour, with 59% spent wet sourdough starter (125%) and 94 % water. I added ripe Levain build to water and after incorporating to the water I add semolina flour and ARW flour, I held back 50 g of final water, after incorporating ingredients I let dough autolyse for 40 minutes. While the autolyse period was on, I roasted sesame seeds and fennel seeds. When roasting done I let get cooled before pulse spice milling it. After autolyse period over, I sprinkled salt on and added the 50 g of water. I kneaded at speed 2 for 4 minutes. I did 3 hours and 30 minutes of bulk fermentation and during that time I did 4 folding cycles in 20 minute intervals. Just before 2nd kneading cycle I sprinkled the cooled pulse milled fennel and sesame seeds. I the incorporated during 2nd, 3rd and 4th folding cycle. After the 3 hours 30 minutes, I divided and shaped into round loafs which I coated tops with mixture of sesame seeds, black sesame seeds and fennel seeds. I then placed in floured round banneton and proofed for 45 minutes before placing in refrigerator overnight. I backed each round loaf after scoring in my Emile Henry Bread Cloche. Very happy with result, tastes delicious. It had taste similar to black liquorice likely due to fennel seeds.


I love durum bread. Very nice bake @Loafs_by_Baker_Bob. Have you ever tried Altamura bread?

Abe, No I have never heard of or seen any Altamira Bread.

Altamura bread is 100% durum sourdough from the Puglia region of Italy. Made with Semola Rimacinata (re-milled semolina) but if you cant find any then using fine semolina is a good substitute. The recipe is simple…

  • 100% durum flour
  • 60-70% water
  • 2% salt
  • 20% durum sourdough starter

Knead till full gluten formation and leave to bulk ferment till doubled.
Shape, final proof till ready (about 2 hours) and bake.

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Handsome loaves Bob and I bet they are delicious!

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