SCHNITZER Sourdough Bread Book

Unfortunately, this book currently only exists in German and is only available for purchase on the Schnitzer website:

The book small, ring-bound, and the pages are of sturdy card. The introduction is concise and highly informative.

All of the recipes require freshly milled, organic, unsifted flour (100% of the grain). Most of the recipes include a preferment, sour dough, a mash, and a soaker (usually seeds). A few recipes call for sprouts. The photos are fabulous! Many of the recipes are rye bread.

I am waiting for my newly made sourdough “mother” to to ripen. Within 30 hours (several hours after the first feeding) it had already doubled. Their recipe uses water and medium-milled organic rye; I replaced the water with organic pineapple juice for the first two days. Although the young mother is so vivacious, I"ll feed her for another two days before baking my first recipe from the book.

Unfortunately, I don’t speak German. Hopefully, Schnitzer will come out with an English version. The book sounds wonderful!