Ryes and Shine for Father's Day

Jewish Pickle Brine Corn rye, Vollkornbrot, and a “French Blend” miche.

The vollkornbrot is a 100% rye made with 5% salt and 90% hydration. It has whole rye berries mixed in and topped with pumpkin, sunflower, and flax seeds. I brush the top with a rye paste to get the seeds to stick.

The corn rye is made with 80/20 white wheat and Danko rye. 95% hydration, 2.1% salt. The hydration is 50/50 water and homemade pickle brine. There are whole dill seeds mixed in to pump up the pickle flavor and the bottom is dusted with cornmeal.

The miche is 60/25/15: white wheat, einkorn, rouge de Bordeaux (usually rye, but I changed it up this time). 2.1% salt, 95% hydration.

All three breads are made with 100% home milled flour. The ryes were wrapped in plastic post bake to soften the crust.

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Beautiful loaves inside and out!