Romertopf Round Baker Question

Do I soak it or not? The directions are all in German and I just got my eyes dilated and my German is from 1991. I thought it would be smaller than the 6 quart dutch oven or the Breadtopia round baker.

I believe that you soak the top, but not the bottom, and you need to start baking in a cold oven, to allow the baker to come up to temp gradually. If you put it straight from room temp into a preheated oven, you run the risk of cracking it.

I asked Eric about that and he said they were the bakers. They use a preheated oven a lot with no problem. I used my Eurita baker for the first time two days ago. What I should have asked and don’t know is whether you still soak the lid when preheating it in a hot oven. I soaked the lid first, put empty pot in oven and brought to 500 degrees. Then I removed it to put my boule in the baker, I don’t know if the water evaporates in the time it takes the pot to heat up.