Problem with loaves

Hi all,
Not sure if this is the right forum category. So my last 3-4 sourdough boules have been a flop. I’m using the no knead sourdough recipe on Breadtopia which is my go to recipe. I’ve used it so many times but lately my predictable loaf isn’t predictable. My first impulse would be to add more flour, because it just seems too wet. ( I haven’t done that.) It’s very wet and sticky hard to manage and shape. My measurements are weighed… I’m using 100% red fife- half bolted and half whole and have done this in the past. Any ideas where to start with problem solving?

Has there been a big jump in ambient temperature since your successful loaves? Sometimes it’s simply a matter of too much bulk fermentation due to the weather changing.

Hmm, it’s true it is warmer now. With too much bulk fermentation would the dough seem to not hold shape?

yes, definitely.

it can be disorienting to new-ish bakers how much difference ambient temperature can make in how long is the right length of time for proofing. 10 degrees (F) can make a difference of several hours.