Pizza Dough using home ground flour

I just purchased a small pizza oven and now need to start making the pizza dough. I have plenty of recipes however nothing covers the type of flour (wheat berries) that are best for grinding your own flour, and or special grinding instructions. They talk about 000 or 00 flour? Anyone using their mockmill flour mill have any suggestions? I’d appreciate any help here. Thanks.

Do you want to have an entirely whole wheat flour pizza? Here’s an example of that (home milled flour):

Home milled whole wheat paired with commercially milled white bread flour or strong tipo 00 flour? See this recipe and change up the ratios as you prefer, e.g. 50% homemilled with a little more water.

Sourdough or yeast?

Thanks for the info. Can this be made with yeast vs sourdough starter?

Sorry - I fixed the second link.
Yes, you can make it with yeast. The instructions for converting those sourdough recipes are in the third link – the FAQ.

Or you can follow Eric’s recipe here – simply use home milled flour and more water than this white flour recipe calls for. Your goal is a hand-kneadable dough. Not soupy-sticky and not cracked dry.