Oval clay baker

My oval clay baker has no glaze on the inside…Has anyone ever
had the interior glazed by a potter? Dough still sticks from time to time
so not happy with this. The older ones were glazed.

No to the first question but mine is also not glazed at all on the inside. I use a sheet of parchment paper and it works like a charm. I love how the bread turns out in these clay bakers.

I to just purchased a clay baker. Yes mine sticks as well. Open for suggestions other than parchment paper. Thanks


I’ve used coarse cornmeal on the bottom of any baker to prevent sticking—not my favorite method, but it works in a pinch when I don’t have parchment.

Over time, the clay baker should develop a patina/seasoning that will help prevent sticking.

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That would be really nice I appreciate your response and suggestions. Thank you