New york deli rye bake

I am following the Breadtopia recipe and have a question : during the bake ( I have a ceramic cloche ) the recioe says to bake in the cloche 30 minutes and then take the bread out of the cloche for 10 minutes but where do I put the bread : on a baking sheet ( cold ) or one that is already in the oven below the cloche or ???

Thanks for a prompt reply if you can

Does it say take it out of the cloche or to remove the lid? I would have thought removing the lid would be enough.

If your baking vessel is a ceramic cloche, bake at:
450°F for 30 minutes, lid on
450°F for 10 minutes, bread out of the baking vessel, for even browning"

I agree, would have thought just remove the top, but after looking at the recipe I don’t know the bread is supposed to go. Doesn’t look like a typo.

I’m in two minds about this now. I would have thought the bottom of the bread would have no difficulty browning on the base but it needs the lid off to brown on the top and sides. Have you baked in the cloche before? Did the base brown nicely? If the base was well done then I don’t see why it has to come off it. If not, then that’d be the reason. It depends on your experience with baking breads in a cloche.

If it does need to come off the base as well then i’d advise putting it directly on the wire rack so the heat can get evenly all round.

Thanks Abe,

Hope you got to see the postI did early today with photo. Taking lid off cloche helped and yes have been baking with cloches for awhile and bottom does get brown…Because I have a cranky oven I have to switch places with my two cloches ( if I am baking two loaves at once ) to get an even bake but it works.

Otis, Hope you as well have seen my posts today. I did figure it out. Thanks again for your input…always welcome

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@otis @gustav_freedman I used the batard baker for my ny deli rye bread and felt the loaf benefitted from coming out of the deep vessel and directly onto the rack for that last part of the bake. It’s definitely up to you and your read on the bottom of the loaf though.

Thanks Melissa,

Bottom of my loaf ( and loaves) have been fine in the cloche …and since I do not have a bastard baker device, all good.