New baking tin

Picked this up at Goodwil for $1 looks to be unused. I’m thinking its for bagettes. What else could it be for

Agreed! Baguettes. Even if it was made for something else it’ll make a good baguette proofing try. You’d probably need to line them with some sort of cloth sprinkled with flour.

Its made of non stick metal like a baking sheet. I figured line it with parchment paper and bake on it

If it’s non stick then fine however I think they would benefit from being flipped after final proofing.

I never made bagettes aren’t they rounded on the bottom though ?

They’re proofed seamed side up then flipped over and scored before baking. The way how they’re shaped and oven spring you should still get good rounded baguettes.

Here is a yeasted baguette recipe by KA. They don’t flip them. I would have thought one should do so but I guess the technique can differ.

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Ok I’m going to try it next week

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First try at baguettes

That tin is for making “Italian” bread. The loaves are bigger, like fat baguettes.

Fat Daddios used to make those with perforations, sold for commercial baking, just checked and don’t see them or the most excellent Fat Daddios perforated baguette pans listed.

Here is one from US Pan, Perforated Italian Bread Pan:

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Wonder if the perferations make a difference.

Never bought the Italian bread pan, frequently use the perforated baguette pan from Fat Daddios. I love it, and ‘yes’, it does make a diff but bakes with a pattern of dots on the bottom of the bread. You have prob seen dots on the bottom of store bought bread before. The perfect curved shape of the bottom of the loaf and the dots do take away from the artsy, homemade-ness about the loaf, but make for an excellent (and quick) alternative.

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Does it require oiling?

No I put the pan in oven on the stone to get hot then transferred the shaped loaves cradled in parchment paper and baked on it with the paper

I did pick up a true baguette banaton for baguettes. The pan above I use for wet recipes instead if the loaf pans

Thats a spelt in it