My first flop

I have been baking my wife’s favorite (Artisan Whole Grain Sourdough) bread, usually need to do a loaf every 10 days or so. The other day I thought I would try the Artisan Sourdough Rye Bread. I followed the recipe closely, carefully weighing each ingredient.
When It came time to transfer the proofed dough into the hot cast iron pot, it was so wet, it just flopped in, and spread out to fill the whole bottom.
It baked ok, and the taste was good, but at the most it was only about 1 1/2" high.

@Roger_S I feel your pain! My very first flop was in trying to bake the challah recipe here on Breadtopia. If you’d like to read about my rather epic bread fail, complete with pictures, I’ve attached the link I posted here on the forum back in April 2018. I promise you’ll get a good laugh out of it! Instead of bread I ended up with what can only be described as a braided pancake! You know what, I have NOT tried to make another challah since! :upside_down_face:

Baking blessings,

Haven’t mastered the technique. A couple of thoughts: Be sure to use Bread Flour with the Rye Flour. I feed my starter so it’s on the stiffer side (not pourable). Take care not to over proof the last proof*. I use a stone now with parchment paper. The parchment paper goes on a metal cookie sheet. Invert over the proofing basked, then slide onto the stone. This helps avoid “flopping” and deflating the final proof. Might be a bread best made in a Dutch Oven with sides to support. It’s the best. :blush: even when it’s flat. Good Luck!

Thanks everyone. I recently did another loaf, everything came out right. Don’t know what happened with that last one, but things are back to normal. (fingers crossed)