Looking for a more heirloom red wheat

I’ve been baking bread and rolls using Breadtopia’s Hard Red and Hard White Spring Wheat, along with some Einkorn and Rye, in my bread and roll recipes. I absolutely love the flavor profile of bread and rolls made with 25% Hard Red Spring Wheat, 25% Hard White Spring Wheat, 25% Einkorn and 25% Rye.

I’m looking for a more heirloom, unhybridized, version of the Hard Red Spring Wheat, for its superior nutritional properties and more ancient and more easily digestible gluten. I am not sensitive to gluten, but am looking for a red wheat that has a more ancient version of gluten.

I have read the descriptions of all of the red wheat, but I would like the ‘two cents’ from the members of this forum before I buy. I as going to try Heirloom Rouge de Bordeaux Wheat Berries, but it has just been labeled Out of Stock.


I love baking with all of Breadtopia’s non-modern red wheats: rouge de bordeaux, red fife, turkey red, and spelt. I don’t think you can go wrong with any of them.

This article and the comments that follow show some strength tests on some of these different wheats: Baking Bread with Low Gluten Wheat – Breadtopia

And this article gives some flavor and other info: Newbie’s Guide to Flour for Bread Baking – Breadtopia

Your formula sounds delicious btw!

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Fermentada, as usual, your information was a great help, Thank You!

I love whole grain rye bread. The combined flavor profiles of the whole grain rye, einkorn and hard red spring wheats seem to work very well together.

@Fermentada, Im going to put you on the spot a little. I like a bread with lots of flavor. I do not feel that a bread with a strong flavor profile takes away from the other things on a sandwich, it adds to the flavor as a whole. You have probably baked bread with all of he wheat that you recommended. Out of the recommendations that you made, rouge de bordeaux, red fife, turkey red, and spelt, which would you recommend that I try first? I would like to buy them all, but I’m senior citizen on a fixed income and inflation and gas prices are killing me this year.

I would try the rouge de bordeaux first. Initially I avoided using it for pizza because it’s so fragrant with baking spice aromas. I changed my mind though, and actually like it for pizza dough.

That’s all a long way of saying I think it’s a quite flavorful wheat :slight_smile:

Thanks! As soon as it is back in stock, I will try it!

You’re welcome! It’s it stock btw :slight_smile:

I just checked, and the 40 lb bag, which I was going to order, and the 35 lb pail is still out of stock.

Ahh sorry about that – I was just looking at the smallest size.