Labor Day foolishness

Being stuck at home this Labor Day (just like every other holiday since March), I bought a Beyond Burger to try for a mini-cook-in. I realized this morning that I had no buns. Not having the inclination to make a whole batch, I decided to see if I could make a bun - one bun. I spooned some AP flour into a cereal bowl, sprinkled in salt from the salt shaker, added a pinch of instant yeast and enough water to make a dough and pushed it around on the counter until it felt OK. It rose for a while, I formed it into a ball, it rose some more, then into the toaster oven for 15 minutes, and voila! A bun! Who said baking bread is difficult!

Happy Labor Day everyone!


@wendyk320 Just picture the biggest, cheekiest grin on my face! Your post today just lit me up with smiles!

Thank you :smiley:

Any smiles are welcome these days. Happy Labor Day!

Awesome. I must show this to my kid who makes “cake” in mugs in the microwave. It might expand her repertoire lol.

I confess that I have made a microwave cake in a mug in a moment of cake desperation and it was ugly and DELICIOUS!

In further pursuit of minimalist baking, my next attempt will be to bake 1 slice of bread.

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@wendyk320 Love it! :rofl:


:raised_hands:t2: :sweat_smile: