Is this normal?

Hi, I’m only on day 5 of my starter… was wondering if it’s normal that there’s not much action going on? Not rising.

I started it with whole wheat flour and then accidentally gave it 2 feedings (1x a day) on day 2 and day 3 of bleached AP flour …then realized what I did and now using King Arthur organic bread flour to feed it ever since. Every day I discard half and do 1/2 cup flour, 1/4 cup warm distilled water. Been keeping the temp pretty warm for the most part around 72-80. It seemed to have bubbles yesterday and today I see none? I fed it this morning at 10am after 12 hours instead of 24. It’s starting to smell like sour dough to me I don’t smell anything funky…it is stringy/sticky not super thick when I stir it. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong?

Perfectly normal. Follow this thread…