Hard White Spring Wheat vs Khorasan vs Spelt

I’m trying out different wheat varieties for my bread, and I’m trying to switch to mostly heirloom varieties.

I just ordered some Heirloom Red Fife Wheat Berries to replace my Hard Red Spring Wheat Berries.

Now I’m trying to find a wheat variety similar to Hard White Spring Wheat Berries for my bread.

I’ve looked at all of the wheat berries that Breadtopia has to offer, and am considering Khorasan Wheat and Spelt.

If you have baked with Hard White Spring Wheat and Khorasan or Kamut, how would you compare them? What are their differences and what are their similarities and how do their flavors compare???

For those that bake with Khorasan, Kamut and Spelt, which do you prefer for your breads, and why.

Thanks for your opinions!

Kamut is a trade name of Khorasan. So between khorasan and spelt it’s really down to taste. There are differences like khorasan generally needs more water and spelt being more extensible. However and the end of the day it all comes down to taste and what appeals to you. Try them.