Giving Away Three Copies of Dan Leader's New Book: LIVING BREAD

This would be a perfect addition to my Bread Library!

This book looks enticing! Would be great to have a copy.

Sounds like a beautiful book! Thank you for the opportunity to own a copy.

Oh this is great! Would love this book!

I recently started a Cottage Food business in CT, and started selling my bread at a local Farmer’s Market. The response to my Artisan breads has been amazing, and I would love to learn more about milling and bread baking in depth. It would be a thrill to receive Dan’s book.

I can’t wait to see this book. I have the original one! Thanks

Bread is life.

Always interested in new bread recipes!

I began my own journey into bread making three and a half years ago. I bought a Brod & Taylor proofing box from Breadtopia and began a sourdough starter, which has been with me ever since (even after a disaster that hit our CA neighborhood in 2018). One of the many satisfying things about making bread is feeding it to friends who’ve told me how evil gluten is (and of course I wouldn’t feed it to people with genuine celiac disease). They tell me my bread makes them feel great! I tell them it may not be the gluten in their store bought bread that makes them feel bad, but the other gazillion chemicals added to it. I love artisanal bread making and since buying my proofing box have used it to make Appalachian Salt-Rising bread, Moroccan Khobz, French baguettes, Gyros, Portuguese rolls, as well as the buttermilk for a sandwich loaf. Making bread lead me to buying flour from artisanal mills and to understanding how crucial it is to protect and cherish heirloom grains. I collect books about bread and as an admirer of Dan Leader already, look forward to adding his newest whether or not I win a free copy.

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I have all of Dan’s books and the latest sounds like the greatest

What a wonderful opportunity! Thank you, Breadtopia and Dan for giving us a shot at a complimentary book. The bread on the cover looks amazing!

I really enjoy Dan’s books and can’t wait to read Living Bread!

I’ve had Bread Alone forever; Living Bread looks to be a great addition to my bread book library.

a true legend and inspiration to have on the shelves. I have Bread Alone and to have Living bread accompany it on the countertop would be fantastic

Bread is life.

Would love a copy of this wool to elevate my baking skills.

Liked his first book.

Looking forward to reading Dan’s new bread book. Love baking bread and looking forward to cooler weather. Thanks for the opportunity to win this cookbook.

I would love to read this book!

Looks Great.