Getting a More Sour Sourdough Loaf With a Bread Machine

I am a very senior, senior and only use a bread machine now for bread making. I read somewhere that getting a more sour loaf depends more on fermentation time than on the starter. So, I’m looking for information on whether to elongate the first rise or the second rise and by how much. Here are the times for the resting and rising stages:
Rest 1 14 min
Rest 2 11 min
Rest 3 11 min
Rise 1 26 min
Rise 2 52 min

I will be grateful for any suggestions. I’m trying to achieve the San Francisco sourdough flavor.

For those times you’re going to either need a high percentage preferment or try a dough only option then bake when ready.

Do you have recipe that you like with which you can build upon?

Hi Abe. Thanks once again for responding to one of my questions. I use a KitchenArm bread maker and they gave me a recipe to use with my 50/50 starter. They proposed that I try their yeast free artisan bread recipe which has significantly longer rest and rise times. I just got the email with their response suggesting this recipe. I can’t believe their customer service. Best I have ever seen. If you go to kitchenarm dot com and select cloud recipes from the top menu you can then search for artisan and you will find the recipe. Your thoughts would be welcome on their approach.

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My pleasure Warren. While I go and search for that recipe you can give it a go. Let’s see what the results are like first before we try tweaking anything. We need a recipe to build on.

Let me know how it goes and then we can take it from there. You might like it and not need to change anything at all.

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Hi Abe. I baked a loaf using their adjusted recipe before looking at the artisan loaf recipe. The loaf is delicious but not as sour as I want prompting my first question above. It will be a few days before I try the artisan recipe so please be patient with me. Warren