Buttermilk Rye Spelt Pullman

Lately, I’ve been having fun using yeast water, either a yeast water levain, a combination of a sourdough and a yeast water levain, and/or replacing much of dough water with yeast water in addtion to one of the above levain. Today’s bread is a recipe from a memeber on another forum, one that I’ve previously enjoyed as a batard, which was modified for a large Pullman. 64% bread flour, 36% Spelt, 1% rye (in a levain), 76% buttermilk, 24% raison yeast water, honey, EVOO, and salt. Buttermilk adds a nice tang and soft crumb, and it’s hard to beat the flavor of spelt. As with my last Pullman loaf, this one doesn’t require stretch and folds, or shaping. Just mix the dough for 5" on speed 2, let it bulk, and pour into the Pullman and proof.


What a wonderful loaf Richard. You have the yeast water all worked out for this bread. The fermentation looks perfect and the crust excellent. The addition of the buttermilk must taste great too. Great bake.

Thanks, Benny. I’m always learning from your bakes and appreciate your comments.

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I learn from your bakes as well Richard. I’d say we all learn from each other which is wonderful.