Advise please

I’m new to making sourdough bread. My starter is ready to go but I am having a little difficulty identifying a basic recipe for sourdough bread. I am a little overwhelmed with the many recipes listed on the sight. I was hoping someone could steer me to a good, basic sourdough bread recipe that a newbie might start with.

It can be overwhelming when first starting. Its just taken quite a while and a lot of patience to get a starter going and strong enough for baking… Now what!?

Here is a good first step-by-step recipe with guidance through the whole process and accompanying explanations.

thanks so much

I was in your footsteps a few years ago. My advice is to avoid random bloggers recipes - they always always flopped on me. always make sure people are using weights not volume, and use a reputable source like Breadtopia or a cookbook for your recipe. I recommend Living Bread by Daniel Leader or Sourdough by Sarah Owens.

Good luck!

Eric’s no-knead sourdough is very simple, and has a video demonstrating everything along the way:

And there is also Eric’s “easy bake” series which is easy to follow as well:

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There is a nice beginner’s sourdough recipe on The Perfect Loaf site that gives a detailed, step by step description of how to make sourdough bread, as well as defining many of the terms used by bread bakers. Here is the link:

That said, I baked my first sourdough bread based on Eric’s sourdough videos mentioned in some of the other comments in this thread.

Step-by-Step guide. Nice and simple too with explanations and photos. Only comment I have to say is when they speak of Poolish they mean Levain.

The very first sourdough bread I ever baked in April 2018 was Eric’s No Knead Sourdough Bread recipe. I must have watched that video at least 10 times before I made that first loaf to make sure I was doing it right, LOL! To this day, it’s my go-to sourdough bread recipe, tried and true and works every time I bake.
