100% Whole-wheat Seeded Sandwich Bread

100% Whole-wheat Seeded Sandwich Loaf was my test run this week. Recipe was modified version of 100% Whole-Wheat Sandwich Loaf based on recipe in Jeffrey Hamelman’s book ‘Bread’ A Baker’s Book of Techniques And Recipes, third edition. This sandwich loaf recipe is not in the 2nd edition. Recipe for 100% Whole-Sandwich Loaf is located in The Straight Dough Section. This was Debra Wink’s contribution to 3rd edition. I use Spelt wheat which I milled with Nutrimill classic flour mill to make the whole-wheat portion for recipe. For the seeds I used the same percentage as was in Jeffrey Hamelman’s recipe for Sourdough Seed Bread located in the Levain section. Seeds used, flax seeds, toasted sesame seeds, toasted sunflower seeds. Again I used fresh yeast, instead of instant dry. Formula was adjusted accordingly for fresh yeast so baker’s percent for fresh yeast worked out to 2% versus the 1% of instant dry yeast. Because the relative humidity just before dough was to be made was 53% instead of the normal 40% so I withheld 50 g was water and ended up adding 20 g back so that only 30 g less was used to get dough texture I desired. I soaked the brown flax seeds for 2 days in refrigerator with weight of milk used in recipe. Very happy with result as loafs still have sandwich bread texture and has nice crunch from toasted sunflower seeds. I reduced the amount of salt to account for salt that was in the toasted sunflower seeds which were salted.

This was the photos of the bread.