1,500 loaves of bread

I started baking bread in 2006, inspired by an article in the New York Times titled No-Knead Bread.

Since then, I have baked at least two loaves of bread per week, for a total of 1,500 loaves at a minimum. Over the years my techniques have evolved quite a bit, and they continue to evolve.

My current preferred loaf is made of 100% organic whole-grain flours: 50% wheat, 25% rye, 25% spelt. My sourdough starter is 50% rye, 50% water by weight.

Here is a link to slideshows I have made showing my technique. One is in English, the other in French.

English version: Making a Sourdough Loaf - Google Slides

French version: Faire un pain au levain - Google Slides