How fine should I grind grain?

I’ve been making sourdough bread for many years but recently bought a Mockmill 100. I ground my grain as fine as I could and then used the 40 mesh sifter to sift out the bran. I was surprised that after starting with 300 grams of grain I sifted out 295 grams of flour. Very little bran was left over. It seems finer to my touch than KA whole wheat flour. Is that what I should be aiming for? The resulting bread is great.

It sounds like you’re milling to a fineness that works really well for you. My impression is that most people mill as fine as possible without closing the stones and they use all the output. Some people do that but also sift out what bran they can, to use in some other capacity (cereal, dusting proofing baskets). And some mill a little less fine so they can sift out more of the bran to use elsewhere or re-mill.

Thanks very much

As a follow up, Chad Robertson uses high extraction flour in most recipes but he doesn’t define the percent extraction. Breadtopia doesn’t explain what extraction it is obtaining in their bolted flour. Central Milling sells 80% and 85% extraction flour. In grinding my flour as fine as possible there’s not much left to extract so I end up with 95% extraction which is almost the same as the whole grain. However, I was able to change the grind and get 80% after sifting. So, I just made the White-Wheat Blend (Ode to Bourdon) recipe using whole grains ground as fine as possible (not sifted) and high extraction flour sifted to get 80%. I hope this approximates the intention of the recipe (and that it tastes good).