Yeast Equivalents

I’m new to bread making and I am wanting to use active yeast (which I already have) but the recipes I want to use call for instant yeast. I know how to calculate the amount difference but I don’t know how much water (liquid) to use with it to start it. Do I use the amount of liquid in the recipe and just add the yeast to it first or do I need to use additional liquid and then add the yeast (with liquid) to the dry ingredients? Thanks

I don’t think there is much difference between the 2 kinds of yeast, instant may be quicker acting. I don’t know the recipe you are using but generally yeast is not that fussy. I would pour the liquid required into a measuring cup add the yeast mix it up with a fork and let it sit for a few minutes. (This will allow you to see if the yeast is still alive and well if there is some foam forming on the top of the liquid.) Then just add the mixture to the recipe. I always hold back a bit of the liquid mix to make sure there is not too much liquid in my bread mix. I keep my yeast in the freezer compartment. It will last a very long time there. But it can get old and not work any more so be aware of that. The best way to test it is put some in a glass of water with a little sugar, if good it will start to get cloudy and bubbly.

The biggest difference is how quick they start working, although with instant yeast you do not need to start it in water, just add it to the recipe as you mix. I use the instant yeast also because I can buy 1 Lb package at my local COOP or online at a very reasonable price compared to buying all the little packets.