Thermometer Giveaway [Feb/Mar 2016]

My sourdough starter is still going strong. I learned how to make it here, and it has been doing well, nearly 2 years now…

My go-to place for all things bread! Thanks.

I received my recent order from Breadtopia on Monday which included the sourdough starter. Feeding was successful. Yesterday and this morning I made a loaf of Sourdough Rye. We enjoyed it at lunch and loved the outcome! Thanks so much Breadtopia! Your site and store are wonderful.

Lots of good information here. Wish I baked more than I do

Mmmmmmmmmm, bread. Love your site! And your store! Thanks!

I am so happy that I found this site! I am sitting here making a order list of items I must have. Love the blog…and I cannot wait to get my first newsletter! I see so many recipes that I want to try. Thank you for the site!

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