Thermometer Giveaway [Feb/Mar 2016]

I am new to Sourdough Bread-baking, and really appreciate Eric’s clear and concise instructions! Thank-you, Eric!!

Best bread baking site in the world!!!

Love to bake yeast breads, and love your recipes

I’ve never owned a baking thermometer before. It looks like a beneficial tool. Good luck to everyone!

Awesome idea, maybe I’ll win.

Thanks for the providing a great site.

I’m a lazy baker and I’d love a thermometer rather then just touching and guessing intuitively!

Love Breadtopia!! So much information and great tools and supplies! Plus we’re neighbors…I’m in Nebraska…but don’t hold that against me! Thanks for all your information and great products!

I love your site - such great information and supplies. :yum:

Thanks so much for the opportunity! I love Breadtopia and all of the recipes/tutorials! I still haven’t made a stellar loaf of bread but I have hope thanks to you guys! :slight_smile:

Love your products! You make baking bread fun and interesting!

Wonder what the odds of winning are?

Great thermometer! Love BREADTOPIA and recommend it to others constantly. Thanks, Eric.

I would love to have a great thermometer like this one.

Hi Eric, I have really learned a lot about bread making from your video’s and recipes, thank you.
Regards Lynn.

Great giveaway. Need a good thermometer.

This is an inspirational site. It has really contributed to my baking ability as well.

I love Breadtopia and No Knead bread. I bake it weekly.

My favorite site…thanks so much

Would love a new thermometer! Thanks for the giveaway!h