Spoiled starter

I finally had to succumb to tossing out the starter you sent me in May 2020. I obviously mismanaged it. It finally got the PINK scum on top. Sorry, I failed.I also struggled with creating loaves. I had a couple successes. Amen

I think I just had the same thing happen to me! I have a pink/reddish scum (mold?) on top of mine. I tried to save it but I can’t seem to get rid of the mold and there is virtually no activity.

Did you ever find out what happened to it? I just ordered some more starter and I would really like to not repeat whatever mistake I made!

Don’t even try to save a starter that has pink/reddish mold. Throw it out and start again.

Just guessing her but it might be one of two things or both. Your maintenance did not maintain enough acidity to ward off bad bacteria. And/or you introduced something by mistake.

Hi Cody, I decided for now to just let it all go. When warm weather comes around, I might start all over again.