Sourdough Starter / Poolish (Sponge) conversion

Has anyone documented a way to convert any recipe from sourdough starter to poolish and vice versa?

I would think converting from poolish to starter and vice versa would be simple. Keeping the same amount of total flour and water in the preferment. For example…

Starter @ 100% hydration = 200g (100g water + 100g flour)

So for a poolish you’d make a preferment like so:

  • 100g flour
  • 100g water
  • 1g fresh yeast or 0.3g dried yeast

And now for the other way round. A recipe calls for 200g poolish in a recipe at 100% hydration (100g flour + 100g water).

As long as you have 200g starter at 100% hydration fed and ready to go there’s no one way. Take into account how much time you have for making a levain. I’d do something like this:

  • 20g starter
  • 90g water
  • 90g flour

Leave to mature overnight and use when ready the next morning. If you have less time and more starter then do a higher ratio of starter to fresh flour and use when ready. As long as it’s 1:2:2 or higher for a healthy feed and a strong levain (my own personal way of approaching a starter/levain feed).

Then of course you’ll need to watch the dough and not the clock.

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