Recipe for Sourdough Hawaiian Sweet Bread?

Does anyone have a homemade sourdough version of King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls? I sure hope so. :yum: In a loaf would be even better! I’m wondering if pineapple juice is used and how that bakes up. Thanks ahead of time!

P.S. I found the following recipe. Think I could substitute the dry yeast for my sourdough starter, and take out some of the water called for? Advice greatly appreciated!

I bet one or both of these recipes would get you a large percentage of the way there.

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I would definitely use a sweet stiff sourdough starter build (found in the recipes @homebreadbaker linked you to) to help your starter be acclimated to an enriched dough.

I’ve had this bread on my list to try making some day, ever since I read this article that gives some of the interesting history of it. I also grew up with parents who occasionally bought Hawaiian bread from the grocery store every once in a while. What a contrast with the Arnold’s multigrain I was used to!

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Now, first off, I’ve never made it myself… but that doesn’t stop me from telling you I believe I remember reading that Hawaiian bread is made by using pineapple juice in place of water.