I feel like family

Thank you so much for 1st, my live starter, that arrived like magic. I began feeding. and Amora is happy and growing. She is now in the refrig. to calm down till the next bake. My first bake actually worked and I started with demi baguettes. Success with lots of patience. I feel like family for all the love and support.


Thanks for sharing and congrats on your first bake. Demi baguettes :clap:

@oceanarustico On this forum, we ARE family! Welcome to it! My Cyril sends your Amora his best. He lives in the refrigerator too and is now a little more than 2 years old.


Thanks Leah…nice to hear from you…Katalina

Fermentada…Thanks for sharing…Katalina

I’m not a regular contrbuter here but I often read the posts for advice. Alot of good advice. Funny you have a name for your yeast starter I don’t have a name for mine. I have always just call mine the boys. I consider them a team not an individual.:smile:

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@oceanarustico I too received a great reception here ! Thanks to those who offer advice and encouragement…

As to naming my starter ? Well, that I’m not too sure about that. Farm families don’t usually name the things they plan to eat… (he offered with a sly smile)

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Ha! I think I’ll use that explanation next time someone asks me if my starter has a name.