How To Make Bagels

Awesome bagels, thanks so much for sharing the recipe and the great videos - here’s my first attempt on them (with the sourdough starter, so good!)


Nice work! They look delicious.

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I goofed—made these using half AP flour, half sprouted whole wheat (wheat berries from Breadtopia), but I forgot to bolt the sprouted WW flour.

I also subbed out 30 grams each of water and AP flour that I replaced with 60 grams of sourdough starter, though I used SAF instant yeast as well (sourdough for the flavor). I replaced an additional 20 grams white flour with equal weight vital wheat gluten, since I don’t have any high gluten bread flour.

I meant to shape these last night before going into the fridge, but it was too late, so I let the whole mess of dough develop in a bowl. This morning I divided the dough into 12 pieces which I rolled into balls, let those warm up for 20 mins, shaped them into bagels and let those proof another 40 minutes while I preheated the oven and got the water bath going. I worried they were insufficiently proofed, but the bagels floated as soon as I put them in the pot. Baked these for 17-18 minutes at 475 degrees.

Despite neglecting to bolt the WW flour or shape these last night, visually these are the best looking bagels I’ve made. I will post more later once I have tasted them.

Update: they’re delicious. Crisp-crunchy exterior, soft and chewy inside. Some of them are slightly underbaked inside, gummy. However they toast up perfectly.

Beautiful! It sounds like you made a bunch of changes that balanced each other nicely and resulted in great bagels. It’s good to see that shaping and proofing in the morning can work well, as I don’t always have space in my refrigerator for two baking sheets.

Hey Melissa,

Next time I’ll try baking at 500 degrees, as per the recipe. But I’m very pleased with how these turned out. I expected them to be flat and overly dense, but they puffed up nicely and the texture couldn’t be better (once toasted). I too am glad to know letting the dough ferment as a single mass has no adverse effect on the final product, AND that leaving all the bran in the dough similarly did no harm.

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I’m currently using my adaptation of the “How to Make Bagels” series from Breadtopia for my bagel biz. I really like it, although I was trying to avoid “hybrid” recipes, this one is really good.

My problem is “Shelf Life” and shipping. I’ve started this very small business and I’d like to ship some to rural areas that don’t a have SD Bagel shop around. A comment from a friend said the the crust is gone when it’s shipped in plastic, which I agree with. Now I’m using food safe wax coated paper bags, but I worry about them getting stale.

Do you have any suggestions for a new business owner like me?

BTW, I love the information I’ve learned from I am a customer as well.
Bob Menucci

I love this bagel recipe. They turn out very well every time. Could you please help me to turn this into a cinnamon raisin bagel recipe? What type of raisins should I use and how much? Thank you!