Help with my starter

I started a starter on 12/8 it looked like it was pretty active on 12/10 so I gave it its 1st feeding, 24 hours later it was not looking to active, but I still did the 2nd feeding. Again this morning it is bubbling but does not look very active. Should I continue to feed every 24 hour.
Tia for any help.

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Bubbling IS active.

What I am guessing you mean by “active” is rising. And I think from your pictures that you are not seeing it rise because your starter is too wet to rise. Try adding some more flour (but no more water) to it until its consistency is thicker and not “runny” and see whether it then rises after that.

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I should have said as active. Ok I will try just adding flour, thank you.

It is normal for a new starter to go great and then act dead for a while. When it is first started it produces both good and bad enzymes, so keep feeding it and the good enzymes will win out and then you will have a usable starter in about ten days or so. If it is soupy and won’t hold gas bubbles, just add more flour than water until it thickens and holds the gas bubbles better. Once you have it well established you can keep it in the fridge and just feed it weekly.

Don’t despair; starter is young. You may want to consider refreshing yours twice daily. That has been my standard for all starter refreshment for years, but I think it is particularly important when your starter is young.

It is looking good, I did forget to feed it yesterday, but I will feed it again when I get home after work today. It is rising and falling predictably now. The Tartine book I am using says that’s good. Going to try and make bread some time this week.

is it yeast?

What Brice said. Keep feeding your starter in the ratio 1:1:1, which is 1 part starter, 1 part flour, 1 part water, for 10 days. By the end of that time you should have a starter that has stabilized and is rising and falling predictably. At that point – but not before – you can start baking with it.