Double-milled White Sonora Wheat Loaf

A friend lent me their countertop mill and I picked up some of the White Sonora Wheat Berries from Breadtopia. I double-milled the Sonora berries (milled on fine and then re-milled the resulting flour again) and combined that flour with a high-extraction hard red wheat bread flour from my local health food store that I like to use sometimes and had a really nice experience with it (next loaf is going to be 100% whole grain, double-milled Sonora).

This dough was very extensible and luxuriant. Shaping it was a new experience because it had so much integrity - it was like working with white flour even though this was fairly close to whole grain.

I was pretty sure I would get a nice oven spring and I wasn’t disappointed.

Here’s the details and some pics:

300g fresh double-milled whole grain sonora white wheat flour
300g high-extraction, super-fine, organic hard red wheat flour
100g wet, mature whole soft white wheat starter
400g water
12g salt

2 hour autolyse with just flour and water. Then combine starter + salt and work into the autolysed dough. Bulk proof for about 8 hours at 70f with a few periodic stretch and folds. Second proof 90 minutes. Baked @ 500f in pre-heated Breadtopia clay baker for 20 min. with cover on, then 30 minutes @ 475f cover off.

Beautiful! I bet it tastes great