Bread Flour Trouble/Frustration

That loaf looks very nice!

I’ve never used bread flour at all, simply because I haven’t been able to locate any. I’m not in the US, and bread flour seems to be mainly a North American and British ingredient. I’ve never seen it in a grocery store or market. But I finally came across a supplier online, so I’ll try it out this week. Am I right that the main difference between “white/all purpose” flour, on the one hand, and “bread flour,” on the other, is that the latter contains more protein (and thus may be more absorbent than the all purpose stuff)?

@Phillip Hi! I’m not a teacher, just a novice baker. But from what I understand the short answer to your question is yes. Bread flour (or strong flour as I think it’s known in Britain) is a higher protein flour that allows for a better rise and structure when baking bread.

Our awesome @Fermentada wrote this post recently about using different flours especially during these trying times. Perhaps it’ll be helpful to you so I thought I’d include it here in my reply to you.

Stay safe and God bless.

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I finally got kaf bread flour yesterday at Publix Greenwise Market. Going to use this week. :grinning:

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@bethicita God’s provision is so good!
Happy baking!

Wheat Montana is my fave. Found by accident at Walmart after the KAF AP recalls (resolved immediately, btw). It was Walmart’s sub. I’m so very happy with my results. Presently not using any bread flour…but still open to using it.

The Wheat Montana is a really nice flour. I got some back in May when this thread first started.

Hope to get some more in a while but right now it looks like KA is what’s on the shelves.


I would love to try KAF bread flour once again, but it’s very hard to find right now, and I’m not in favor of cruising grocery stores right now…sadly… Bake On!:+1: