Batch Baking - no lid?

I would like to make a few no-knead sourdough loaves at once, but I only have one cloche.
Is it possible to bake in a stone pan without a stone lid?
Thanks for your help. I’m a newby. I’ve been making beautiful loaves and would like to share several as gifts.

Before I had an abundance of equipment, I did double bakes with a 7qt Staub dutch oven and the inner glazed-ceramic pot from a slow cooker – that i covered tightly with foil until it was time to take the “lid” off.

Steam is good for crust development and oven spring (prevents the crust from solidifying too soon). Give foil a try : )

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That’s perfect! Thank you!

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I just posted a picture of my set up for two loaves on another thread. I picked up a big roaster at a thrift store and it works great.